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Sasha, Vadim & Phillipe - Part 1 added 10/6/2018

Our classic scene this month is a 2 day, 3 way affair with Sasha Chaykin, Vadim Farrell and Phillipe Gaudin. Although the boys are a bit of a disaster with a canoe, they prove themselves very adept when it comes to sex. For a bit of a change, this is an all outdoor scene with the action taking place right by the lake where they had been messing around just moments earlier. Part 1 features Sascha getting fucked by his buddies and Phillipe taking his turn in part 2.
Note for part 1, there seemed to be a bit of a problem with our cameraman during the transition from opening to foreplay and the cut is a bit abrupt, but if we can overlook this flaw it is a great scene with 3 very hot guys at the peak of their careers.